


colleagues using Xembly to automate the tasks that slow them down.

Install Xembly and Get Started

Follow these instructions to install Xembly:

  1. Click the button below to onboard with Xembly
  2. If you use Slack, please connect to Slack during onboarding. This is a REQUIRED step to get time-sensitive calendar alerts and chat with your AI assistant.
  3. You're ready to go! Find Xena in Slack (or in your browser at You can start by just saying Hi!
  1. Click the button below to install the Chrome browser extension.
  2. If you use Slack, please connect to Slack during onboarding. This is a REQUIRED step to get time-sensitive calendar alerts and chat with your AI assistant.
    Note: When integrating with Slack use the drop-down and choose “Yahoo”  Workspace and not “Yahoo Employee Only”.
  3. You’re ready to go! Find Xena in Slack (or in the extension). You can start by just saying Hi!
You can also join
on Slack to report any issues or provide feedback to the Xembly Customer Success team.

Help Resources

Answers to frequently asked questions can always be found in the Xembly Help Center.

If you have additional questions, please contact the Xembly team at

(Xembly Customer Success) holds optional office hours weekly to answer questions and share best practices. As you onboard, they will send a calendar invite. You can also book time with them directly
is available for any questions at

Install Xembly and Get Started


Install Xembly and complete the onboarding flow (be sure to connect Zoom during this process).


When complete, Xena, a conversational assistant, will send you a message in Slack and begin highlighting how to use the product with daily tips. This may take a few minutes.


Once onboarded, you will receive Slack DM’s from Xena (conversational assistant) sharing use cases, as well as a welcome email explaining how to use the product.

Channels. #xembly-poc. #general.
(Xembly Customer Success) holds optional office hours weekly to answer questions and share best practices. As you onboard, they will send a calendar invite. You can also book time with them directly
is available for any questions at
You can also join
on Slack to report any issues or provide feedback to the Xembly Customer Success team.
In order for you to use Xena, your new conversational assistant, you must join #ext-xembly-twilio-xembly-ai on Slack channel.

See how Xembly can help

Xembly supports individuals and teams by automating many tasks:

  • Prepare for meetings, including by creating agendas and other items.
  • Schedule meetings at the most convenient time for all, including from any Slack channel.
  • Capture accurate meeting notes, action items, and owners; publish action items to the owner’s to-do list when notes are shared!
  • Capture and manage priorities (to-dos) and optimize time.
  • Help with day to day items like creative support.
A Slack message to Xena next to a screenshot of a Xembly schedule and a meeting on a calendar interface.

Schedule effortlessly

Xembly handles the calendar chaos for you so scheduling a meeting is as easy as sending an email or Slack.

Like a great executive assistant, Xembly learns your habits and optimizes your schedule.

Meeting Summaries, made perfect

Sendings notes after your meetings keeps everyone informed and accountable. Now Xembly does that work for you. No need to decode a transcript.

Xembly automatically captures key meeting details, writes readable notes, and summarizes action items that matter.

Meeting summary
A Slack message to Xena next to a screenshot of a Xembly schedule and a meeting on a calendar interface.

To dos, finally getting done

The problem with to-do lists? No one makes time to help you do them. So your working hours become other people’s meeting hours.

Xembly automatically tracks your to-do list and blocks time on your calendar to get them done. Finally, your calendar reflects your priorities.

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